9 Day Premium Starter Kit Challenge

Getting started on your oily journey is so exciting, but it is easy to feel overwhelmed as you open the box and your 11 new oils stare back at you. What do you do first? 


The first step is to crack those babies open. Smell them. Read through the literature as you open each oil. Just opening a bottle and smelling the oil can make using it less intimidating. To help you get started we have developed a 9 day challenge that utilizes each of the oils in your kit. 

The 9 Day Premium Starter Kit Challenge: Learn how to use all of the oils in your kit

A few things before you get started:

  • For this challenge all you need is a carrier oil, a 10ml glass roller bottle, and your kit. For your carrier oil, we suggest jojoba oil, fractionated coconut oil, or grapeseed oil. 
  • The challenge items can be done in any order you would like. 
  • After you complete one day's challenge we encourage you to incorporate it as you see fit. 


The 9 Day Premium Starter Kit Challenge:

Day 1: Add 1-2 drops of Lemon Vitality oil to your water first thing in the morning to start your day on the right foot. 

Day 2: Diffuse 2 drops of Lavender and 2 drops of Stress Away at night to relax and unwind as you drift off to sleep. 

Day 3: Add 2 drops of Frankincense to your favorite facial moisturizer to enhance the appearance of healthy looking skin.  

Day 4: Add 2 drops Thieves Vitality to a vegetable capsule or hot tea to support a healthy immune system. 

Day 5: Make a roller to soothe sore muscles at the end of a long day. Combine 15 drops Panaway, 10 drops Copaiba, and 10 drops Peppermint. 

Day 6: Drink your sample of NingXia Red. Try it first thing in the morning or at the afternoon slump. Feel good knowing you are getting vitamins and tons of antioxidants. 

Day 7: Amp yourself up for a difficult workout by diluting RC with a carrier oil and rubbing it on your chest and back. The invigorating scent will help motivate and empower you. 

Day 8: Take 2 drops of DiGize Vitality on a spoon with honey before or after a meal for a happier tummy. 

Day 9: Place 2 drops of Purification on your vacuum filter or in the bag to freshen your home and eliminate odors as you clean. 

The 9 Day Premium Starter Kit Challenge: Learn how to use all of the oils in your kit